Free training starts this week

The ACIF-CCIM (Associação Comercial e Industrial do Funchal - Câmara de Comércio e Indústria da Madeira) started a new program which aims to improve the region 's small and medium-sized enterprises. In order to make it happen, they asked for the help of XGT, our expert team in training and consulting. 

The program contains two different trainings in the following areas: “Digital Transformation - Management and Cooperation in Management Systems Project” and “Privacy and Cyber Security in SMEs”. 

XGT has more than 20 years of experience in planning and facilitating training in these topics with a high success rate. This is a great opportunity to use our help to improve your company, at zero cost.

We are accepting 20 applicants for each training. Here is a short introduction of what to expect after the application.

  1. We will hold an Opening Session on the 21st of January from 15:00 at Rua dos Aranhas 26 or via ZOOM. The session for the “Digital Transformation - Management and Cooperation in Management Systems Project” will start at 3 pm, while the “Privacy and Cyber Security in SMEs” introduction talk will start an hour later at 4pm in the same location. In these sessions we will let you know about the schedule and all the important information that you will need in the future in order to complete the training.
  2. The second stage is a diagnosis. We will do an evaluation to see the current status of your company and what needs to be improved. 
  3. In the third stage we will create an action plan and implement it with you. The projects are customized to the needs of your company.

The participation is completely free.

For more information visit these websites:

And apply here:

Do not  hesitate to apply, only a few spots left!